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4 Tips to Promote Worker Safety at Your Business

Safety in the workplace is one of the most important things for any business leader to be aware of at all times. Whatever business environment your employees work in, whether at a construction site or in an office, safety plays a role in every aspect of work. There were nearly 3 million work-related injuries reported in the years 2017 and 2018. Here are four tips to promote worker safety at your business to protect workers and prevent any form of injury.

Keep Work Spaces Clean

There are many benefits that come from keeping a clean workplace, some obvious and others not so obvious. One benefit to employers is that it is a vital part of reducing your worker compensation claims and maintaining high levels of efficiency. Keeping a clean workplace protects your employees from overlooking hazards that may otherwise go unnoticed and cause accidents or illnesses. It is also proven that keeping a clean environment at the workplace directly influences productivity and the impression that the workplace makes, so it goes beyond preventing sickness.

Create a Culture of Cleanliness

Creating a culture that expects cleanliness is one of the fundamental building blocks of promoting worker safety. This will prevent potential hazards from forming for anyone in the workplace environment. To create a culture of cleanliness, start by setting expectations that are then held through regular accountability checks.

Label Hazardous Areas

Using effective labels and signs is incredibly important to protect workers from hazardous areas, especially for jobs like construction that require it. There is a variety of different pictogram safety labels that can keep your workers safe by warning them of potential hazards. Signs and labels need to be visible and effectively use colors to indicate a warning.

Hold Accountability

Once you have established clean workspaces, created a culture of cleanliness, and labeled hazardous areas, things should be in place for ongoing accountability. By first establishing expectations through a culture of cleanliness and safety, you can now effectively hold accountability for workers’ actions. Holding regular accountability reviews with your employees will reinforce the importance of safety in the workplace.

By effectively following these guidelines, you will protect yourself and your workers from potential harm and injury at the workplace. This is applicable to every kind of work. It also creates a positive environment so that everyone can feel safe in your business.

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